Thursday, April 14, 2005

More Giambi Knocking

New York has two guys name Matsui
But Mientkiewicz is strictly a Met
If the Yanks work a deal for Jim Thome
Then Giambi'd be gone, I would bet

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Beltran Beltway Bound

Is Beltran to the Mets on the way?
Will he roam centerfield at Shea
Will the mets steal the thunder
From Cashman boy wonder
And bring back the days of "Say Hey"

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Crawford toe

Crawford with turf toe for real?
Is the turf at the Garden ideal?
Or is it grass he's been smoking
You've got to be joking
That the Knicks signed this guy to a deal
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Carlos times 2

Carlos Delgado a Met would be nice
Since Beltran requests such a price
But we Met fans believe
Minaya won't leave
Till he's got Carlos signatures twice
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Eli the Great

Just thinking about Eli the Great

And how Giants fans would debate

Which Manning is better

As they got wetter and wetter

Until they figured it out way too late


Hockey and Dinosaurs

There once a sport on the ice
Were Canadiens and Yankees played nice
But I think it's extinct
though the Rangers still stink
Cause the owners couldn't get a fair price.






Friday, December 17, 2004

Kidd Carter

The New Jersay Nets are alive
And though now barely top 25
With Carter and Kidd
And Mourning good 'rid
Can again make a division champ drive
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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Tinker to Evans

Nick Johnson to Reyes to Wright
Is keeping me up every night
If Minaya can trick
Les Nationales for Nick
And the field is rearranged left to right
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Knick Knacks

A thought on the Knicks for a few
From a consummate New York Jew
Now that Chanukkah's done
And the Knicks are Number 1
Are there any more miracles left to do
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Sox I'm Not

Pedro said Sox I will not
Resign when Omar has got
One more year guaranteed
And a regular feed
Of NL pitchers and rot
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